by Heidi Ritter

It really is a simple process. You just have to pay attention…

First, strain the colostrum using a wire mesh strainer… it is usually too thick to go through a regular milk filter.

Pre-heat a high quality quart size thermos to 140 degrees using hot water.

Pour strained colostrum into a glass pitcher. Place in microwave on high for 1 minute. Remove, whisk, and check temperature. Microwave again for 1 minute, whisk and check temperature. Do this until milk reaches 120 degrees. Then only microwave for 30 seconds at a time, whisk, and check temperature. When it reaches 130 degrees, then microwave for 10-second intervals until the temperature reaches 135 - 138 degrees. Make sure to whisk well, and make sure it is 135 - 138 all the way through.

Immediately empty your preheated thermos and fill with the 135 - 138 degree colostrum. Cap tightly, wrap in a towel and put in a warm draft-free spot. Leave undisturbed for 1 hour.

After 1 hour, remove cap and check temperature of the colostrum. If it is 133 degrees or warmer, you are fine and the colostrum can be fed (or frozen for future use).

132 degrees for 1 hour is what they say is needed to kill the CAE virus, but you can safely heat the colostrum to 138 degrees with out making pudding, and then you are sure to have destroyed the virus.

Only heat treat as much as your thermos will hold. If the thermos is not full, it will not hold the temperature as well. Make sure you test your thermos using hot water to make sure it will hold before you start kidding. Even if it worked fine last year, test it again!!!!


This is so easy! Just heat up the milk to 165 degrees and hold it there for 15 seconds. Voila! You're done. This can be done on a stove, in the microwave, or in a commercial pastuerizer. Just make sure the milk is 165 degrees all the way through. If you buy a pastuerizer, make sure and check it at LEAST once a week!